How to Measure ASO Success
App Store Optimization

How to Measure ASO Success



It’s been a month now since you started your App Store Optimization (ASO) campaign. You see consistent downloads every week. Now, you wonder, is that enough to say that your ASO is a success? When can you say that your ASO is succeeding? How can you know whether your ASO is giving you your desired results?

These questions are all valid. After all, everyone wants to know whether they are succeeding or not. You don’t want to guess. You need concrete numbers to confirm what you believe.

Thankfully, this post is for you. We will go through the different key metrics that will indicate whether your ASO campaign is efficiently working for you or not.

With the correct data, you don’t need to guess anymore. In this post, you will learn how to measure your ASO success with different ASO metrics.

Read on to learn more!

Measure ASO success by visibility

One of the easiest and quickest ways for you to measure success is by knowing how visible your app is in an app store. After all, before any user gets to download your app, they would need to know that your app exists. They need to see it first.

Logic tells you that the more visible your app is, the more chances it gets downloaded. With more downloads, you’ll have more opportunities to earn from your app and, thereby, achieve success.

When you measure your visibility, you can measure your success. The following are the ASO metrics you can track to know how visible your app is:

  • Keyword rankings
  • Category rankings
  • Top charts ranking
  • Featured
  • Similar and related apps


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Measure ASO success by conversion

Yes, people are seeing your app. The next question is, “Are they downloading your app?” That’s where conversion comes in. Your app listing and copy should be convincing enough to persuade your users to install your app.

To do this, you need to make sure the following factors work to your advantage:

  • Off-metadata – these data are things that you don’t have direct control of. For example, user ratings, reviews, and downloads. These factors influence people’s decision whether to download your app or not. They base their decision to download your app or not based on what people say about your app or how popular your app is. That’s why you need to put every effort into giving your users a top-notch user experience to ensure they are satisfied with your app, and they will give you positive reviews.
  • On-metadata – these data are the things you have direct control of. Examples would include app name or title, featured image, screenshots, icons, descriptions, and video previews. You need to make sure that you have set up these metadata in such a way that they would grab people’s attention and eventually convince them to choose your app over other apps.

Now, there are different ways to measure conversion. These are the following:

  • Conversion rate – this is the percentage of people who see your app and install it.
  • Click-through rate – this is the percentage of people who see your app and engage with it by tapping on it.

Measure by user feedback

User feedback is an essential aspect of your ASO success. It can quickly tell you whether you are doing something good or not. The more positive feedback and high ratings you get, the more successful your ASO effort is.

You can measure user feedback through the following:

  • Number of ratings
  • How recent ratings are
  • Rating score
  • Number of reviews
  • Positivity of reviews

User ratings and reviews are essential aspects of your ASO success. The more positive ratings and reviews you get, the more people will download your app. Not only that, but app stores love to feature apps with high ratings.

With this in mind, do your best to get positive reviews from your users by giving them a positive user experience. If you receive negative feedback, be sure to reply to them and see what solution you can provide. Who knows, you might be able to change a user’s negative feedback and turn them into loyal users.

Measure success by growth

The most common indicator of whether your ASO is a success or not is the number of downloads you’re getting. Obviously, installs show you the growth of your app. Aside from that, you also need to measure the number of active users.

It is not enough for users to install your app. They also need to use your app. You can measure this by tracking your Monthly Active Users (MAU) and Daily Active Users (DAU). When you see an increase in your MAU or DAU, then you can be certain that your ASO is effective, and based on the increase, that’s how you will know how successful your ASO is.

Please note though, that ASO primarily gives you organic growth, which is the opposite of paid ads. So, you need to differentiate whether paid ads cause your growth or not. If it is due to paid ads, then you know your ASO isn’t working that much for you.

Measure ASO success by income

Ultimately, what you want is to earn from your app. With all that hard work and effort, you want to be financially rewarded, and this, too, can indicate the success of your ASO campaign.

Here are some key performance metrics that you need to measure:

  • Lifetime value (LTV) – measures how much you’re earning from the same user the whole time he uses your app.
  • Average revenue per user (ARPU) – measures how much you earn from each user. You can calculate ARPU by dividing your total revenue by the number of your users.
  • Revenue – your revenue is the total income you receive from your app.

Measuring ASO success with the right tools

ASO data doesn’t come out of thin air. You would need to gather them with the use of software or tools intentionally. You should choose a multi-functional tool that could give you a wide range of data, or you can use a tool that specializes in gathering specific data.

For example, you can use keyword research tools that specialize in gathering data about keywords. There are also ASO tools that measure different key performance metrics.

ASO tools are available as a third-party solution, or you can use the tools provided by an app store. Some examples of third-party tools would include Metrikal, Mobile Action, and Apptweak. Native app store tools include Google Play Console and Apple App Analytics.

Improve your ASO success today

Measuring your ASO success can be complicated, especially if you have a lot of data to sort out. Thankfully, you don’t have to do this on your own. You can get the expert help of ShytfUp.

ShyftUp is among the best user acquisition agencies today that offer highly rated and reliable ASO services. They have the right tools and experience to keep track of your key performance metrics and formulate effective ASO campaigns.

Give them a call today to learn more!

How is ASO performance measured?

ASO performance is measured by tracking and monitoring key performance metrics such as keyword rankings, conversion rates, number of installs, and number of users, to name a few.

What are ASO vanity metrics?

ASO vanity metrics are metrics that you may be proud of but they aren’t that valuable from a business perspective. For example, the number of downloads might tell you how many people have downloaded your app. However, it’s not a real reflection of the success of your app since people may download your app, but don’t use it or they uninstall it immediately.

Why should you measure your ASO success?

You want to know whether your current ASO campaigns and advertising efforts are giving you the results that you need. You want to focus your attention on things that give you positive results and improve the weaknesses in your ads and measuring ASO performance can help you do those things.

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