The 20 Top ASO Mistakes to Avoid in 2023
App Store Optimization

The 20 Top ASO Mistakes to Avoid in 2023



Do you need help to increase your mobile app’s ranking, visibility, and downloads? You’re not alone.

There are literally millions of apps in app stores, such as Google Play Store and Apple App Store. With that in mind, you know how it’s increasingly challenging to stand out from the competition.

Thankfully, there are several things you can do to improve your app standing. Chief among them is App Store Optimization (ASO).

ASO is the process of improving your app ranking by using the right keywords, writing compelling descriptions, and using graphics and videos. However, not all the time you’ll be able to do ASO perfectly. You could make some mistakes, especially as you go through 2023. 

So, to help you perform effective and reliable ASO, we have written this guide. Today, learn the top ASO mistakes you should avoid in 2023 and become the best ASO marketer you can be!

ASO mistake no. 1: Underestimating the importance of ASO

Some ASO developers and marketers think publishing an app is enough. After the launch date, they simply wait and expect people to flood in. As a result, they believe that ASO isn’t necessary anymore.

This is a huge mistake because ASO is proven to be a huge contributory factor in the success of an app. In fact, most successful apps today credit their success to ASO. They firmly believe that ASO has played a considerable part in their marketing effort.

So, if you want better results, don’t underestimate ASO.

ASO mistake no. 2: Waiting for app launch before doing ASO

Every experienced app marketer knows how crucial it is to have ASO strategies in place. If they start all over again with their app promotion, they will tell you they will plan how to do ASO better and more efficiently.

Both the App Store and Play Store offer pre-registration features. This means that you can already promote your app even before your launch date, giving you a chance to have a head start.

ASO mistake no. 3: Not seeing the connection between the quality of your app and ASO

Some don’t see the need for ASO, but some are hyper-focused on ASO that they forget how the quality of their app can either positively or negatively affect their ASO.

If you have been doing ASO for many months now and still can’t find any results, it could be that your app is holding you back. For your ASO to run well, you need to have a great app that you can easily promote because it’s the app itself that will do the major part of ASO.

So, the quality of your app and your ASO work hand in hand. Keep in mind that ShyftUp takes a deep dive into your app’s internal metrics and put together a plan to improve the ones that have a direct impact on your app’s visibility in the app stores, such as uninstalls, crashes & ANRs. 

ASO mistake no. 4: Ignoring your competitors

According to Bankmycell, there are a total of almost 9 million apps available in the world today. There’s an excellent chance that you will surely need to face competitors along the way.

While yes, you should go against your competitors, that doesn’t mean ignoring them. You need to study your competitors, know their strengths and weaknesses, and create more effective ASO strategies than what they are running.

*Quick note: While doing a keyword research, you should also check your competitors’ keywords.

ASO mistake no. 5: Not understanding the difference between app stores

App stores use different algorithms and systems in running their app platforms. Don’t ever make the mistake of thinking that they are the same.

While this can be a big topic, here’s one example. The App Store doesn’t check keywords in the description section of your app. Instead, it allows you to enumerate your keywords in the keyword field. Also App Store has a keyword list field which is not visible to the users, where Google Play doesn’t. You can even add competitors’ brand keywords here. 

This is not the case for the Play Store, where Google checks your descriptions for keywords.

As you can see, the two have similarities and definitely, differences. Knowing these factors helps you avoid ASO mistakes.

ASO mistake no. 6: Not doing keyword research

Keyword research is super important for ASO. Keywords play a huge part in determining whether you should appear on search results.

It is not enough to simply think about your keywords or guess what you should use. You must be intentional and have enough data to know which keywords to utilize. You can definitely do that with the proper keyword research process. You need to use a keyword research tool to obtain the correct data.

ASO mistake no. 7: Not knowing about keyword density

It is not enough to simply know which keywords to use. You need to know where to add and how to use them.

Your most important keyword should appear on your app name or app title. Next, you need to add your second most important keyword in your subtitle. 

If you’re on the App Store, add the rest of your keywords to the keyword field. You must add the rest of your keywords to your app descriptions on the Play Store.

ASO mistake no. 8: Choosing mediocre visual assets

Human beings are visual creatures, and what they see greatly influences their thinking and decisions. The same is true when they look for a new app. People would likely click on mobile apps with beautiful visual assets.

Screenshots should impress people and not disappoint them. Your app icon should be easy to remember and ignite curiosity. Aside from screenshots, add a feature graphic in the Play Store to grab people’s attention.

In short, visual assets shouldn’t be mediocre. You should invest enough time and energy in them to rise above the competition.

ASO mistake no. 9: Failing to add an app preview

Another common mistake app developers commit is not using app videos. Over and over again, studies show that videos lead to higher conversion rates compared to text and images.

The problem is that app stores don’t require app developers to add app videos. So, app developers thought that an app preview wasn’t necessary. However, nothing can be further from the truth.

Read what Apple says about app preview:

App preview

The same is true with app videos on Play Store:

App Videos

ASO mistake no. 10: Not using the correct app categories and subcategories

Categories can help the algorithm of an app store and users to locate your app. Using the proper categories and subcategories can tell the app store what your app is all about. So, ensure your app doesn’t get lost in the wrong category.

ASO mistake no. 11: Believing ASO and paid UA work separately

ASO and paid UA work differently, but that doesn’t mean they don’t complement each other. In fact, these two have an interdependent relationship. The two work together to increase your app’s discoverability.

The problem is some app developers don’t see it that way. They instead create two separate teams for each marketing strategy. In reality, the two approaches work together to create a comprehensive mobile app marketing strategy that covers a lot of ground. 

Paid UA can help drive traffic to your app through paid ads. The added traffic from paid UA signals to app stores that your app is worth the rank. All these could have a synergistic effect on your app’s success.

ASO mistake no. 12: Using black hat ASO techniques

While it might be tempting, black hat ASO techniques should never be employed because their implementation could have severe repercussions for your app’s long-term success and reputation.

Black hat ASO techniques refer to techniques that violate the guidelines and policies of app stores such as Google Play and Apple App Store. These techniques include but are not limited to manipulating reviews and ratings, keyword stuffing, and creating fake app installs.

Black hat techniques may provide a short-term boost to rankings and downloads, but their effects won’t last. App stores regularly update their algorithms to detect and penalize apps using black hat techniques. If you are caught, app stores may lower your app ranking or, worse, remove your app from their platform.

ASO mistake no. 13: Thinking that ASO is just a waste of money

You might think ASO is just a waste of money, especially when you’re on a tight budget. While it is true that ASO can cost you time, energy, and money, ASO can be an excellent investment.

ASO can dramatically boost your app visibility, attract organic traffic, and increase engagement and retention rates. All these can help you regain the money you spent together with added profit.

ASO mistake no. 14: Focusing on just one geographic location

Initially, you may be interested in simply one geographic location or language where you promote your app. However, if you want to unlock new business opportunities, you definitely want to do localization later.

Localization is essential in ASO because it helps you tailor your app’s metadata to different markets and languages. This would then increase the likelihood that new users from other markets discover your app.

Localizing your app’s metadata, including the title, description, and keywords, for different languages and regions makes it easier for users to find your app when they search in their native language. This improves your app’s visibility and enhances the user experience by providing relevant information in their preferred language.

ASO mistake no. 15: Ignoring App Ratings and Reviews

One thing you don’t want to ignore is your app ratings and reviews. 

Neglecting app ratings and reviews can damage your app’s reputation. This is true, especially considering how potential users often use ratings and reviews as part of their decision-making process. 

Low ratings or negative reviews could alienate potential users while decreasing visibility on app stores’ search results.

App stores also consider app ratings and reviews as part of their search algorithm, favoring those with high ratings and positive feedback over those with lower scores or negative comments. 

App ratings and reviews provide valuable insights into user feedback, helping you identify areas for improvement within your app’s user experience, functionality, features, and usability.

ASO mistake no. 16: Only focusing on ASO

ASO is just one aspect of your overall app marketing effort. So, you should not simply focus on it.

You can do other things outside of the app store to promote your app. Some examples include email, content, influencer, and social media marketing.

ASO mistake no. 17: Doing ASO once

ASO is a continuous process. You don’t simply do it once and consider the job done. You should do ASO regularly. That is one of the best things ShyftUp is doing, continous testing

ASO mistake no. 18: Forgetting about A/B testing

How can you know which screenshots are the best? Which of your app icons or app preview actually works? The answer to these questions is through A/B testing.

A/B testing compares two or more variations of the same app listing page element. After running the test, you can better identify which version gives you the best result. For example, you have two versions of your app video. You can run A/B tests to know which one has a higher impression or engagement rate.

ASO mistake no. 19: Forgetting to track ASO performance

You want to make informed and data-driven decisions when it comes to your ASO. You can’t do that if you don’t have the right information.

Planning and execution aren’t enough when it comes to ASO. You need to gather relevant data to know precisely what is working and what is not. That is why ShyftUp has developed Metrikal, ASO KPI reporting dashboard. With Metrikal, they are able to gain a full picture of paid & organic app marketing performance, updated weekly. This includes total installs, installs from search, ratings and more. Metrikal allows them to see the progression of each keyword ranking over time as well as total number and averaged position of the keywords. Every action they take is directed towards improving a KPI.

App store algorithms are constantly shifting. For example, Apple App Store and Google Play Store algorithms undergo regular updates and modifications. Aside from that, your competitors are also changing how they promote their apps. Thus, you must be constantly updated on ASO news and trends.

One tip for you is to subscribe to blogs and channels about ASO to receive alerts and information when things change.

Avoid ASO Mistakes in 2023

App Store Optimization (ASO) plays a pivotal role in the success of any app, and avoiding common ASO mistakes can significantly boost its visibility, conversion rates, and user engagement.

However, some mistakes aren’t obvious, and you need someone to help you avoid them. Thankfully, you can have that help with ShyftUp.

ShyftUp has the necessary years of experience, expertise, and tools to help you perform effective ASO in 2023. They ensure that the ASO solutions they give you will fit your needs, preference, and budget.

Give them a call today!

What are the consequences of making ASO mistakes?

Making ASO mistakes can have various consequences for the success of your app. These include lower visibility and engagement, decreased downloads, negative reviews and ratings, wasted time and effort, lower return on investment, and missed opportunities.

How can you prevent ASO mistakes from negatively affecting your app's performance?

You can prevent ASO mistakes by learning more about ASO and understanding what it is and how it is done. Specifically, you need to perform proper keyword research, keep up with algorithm changes in app stores, conduct regular app store audits, monitor app feedback and reviews, check your competitors, and use app store analytics.

How is ASO different from SEO?

ASO means app store optimization, while SEO means search engine optimization. Both are the same in optimizing content to improve search rankings and visibility. However, ASO is specific to mobile apps and app stores. On the other hand, SEO is specific to websites.

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