The Practical Guide To App Store Optimization (ASO)
App Store Optimization

The Practical Guide To App Store Optimization (ASO)


Buse Kanal

What is ASO and the motivation behind an App Store Optimization Guide?

ASO revolves around the strategy and tactics a business needs to improve its app visibility within two relevant app stores, Google Play and Apple’s App Store. The ultimate objective is for the audience to download the app at an increasing rate – thus converting prospects into users. Google Play is the platform attracting Android-centric developers, and the App Store draws those in the iOS camp. Regardless of the one you favor, ranking high in search results and a good CTR (Click Through Rate) are crucial to your success.

It’s not enough for the audience to find you. No, you want a natural follow-through, which means:

  1. Clicking through to your app’s landing page is the next fluid step.
  2. Once there, the job isn’t complete unless the visitors download or buy it.

You’ll see, it’s a somewhat arduous process. It depends on drawing every drop of potential from the fundamental elements of an integrated brand visualization. They are as follows:

  • App Name
  • App Title
  • App Icon
  • App Screenshots
  • App Rating

Visibility creates downloads; the latter, in turn, circles back, improving visibility, which builds momentum, like a growing snowball rolling down a hill. Indeed, Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) – covering paid and organic click-throughs – is a vital subset of our ASO guide 2021 and beyond. Finally, there’s one massive consideration always in the mix – the competition. We’ll deal with it at length below.



Is there a difference between ASO and SEO?

For an ASO guide to have teeth, users should know the difference between the two terms, even if the dividing line is thin (which it most certainly is). Remember, our focus is the App Store and Google Play for mobile apps, where ASO encompasses optimizing keywords, backlinking, and CRO (mentioned above). These are essentially the same characteristics that apply to SEO, which relates exclusively to websites. Indeed, ASO is often thought of as the App Store SEO, thus creating some confusion as internet devices swing between mobiles and computers. So, let’s set the record straight:

  • As explained, SEO and ASO focus on different platforms
  • Their ranking protocols are also not the same.

When you’re considering Google Search SEO for web browsers, your team faces the challenge of 200 diverse factors that seem to grow monthly. On the other side of the optimization coin, ASO ranking aspects fit a much shorter list, which we call “the good news.” Unfortunately, the bad news is that many app developers involved in sound technologies are unaware of them. Hopefully, our App Store ASO guide should close that “must-know” gap forever.

“Okay, I get the idea. But why can’t I advertise?”

Now we come to the competition, and it’s a challenge with a larger-than-life capital C. Between Google and the App Store, there are over five million apps in circulation. So, it’s fair to ask, “How the heck will anyone notice me with all that distraction in my way? More to the point, how can I get the attention of users I truly want in my camp?” Well, as you suggest, there’s always the option to advertise. It’s viable and a solid route to making an impression.

Here’s the thing: CRO – an integral component of ASO – applauds effective paid advertising and also pinpoints disappointing results (because one suffers when acquisition costs skyrocket quickly.) The alternative of ranking high on organic searches – unpaid connection with a potentially engaged audience – is a significantly more complicated proposition. While there’s an overlap of essential activities for paid and organic conversion optimization (i.e., the two CRO energizers), you need to perform some exclusive tasks for the latter (as we’ll see below).

Some interesting facts to appreciate:

  1. There’s no mapped-out route to the apps that work best for the audience out there. As a result, a whopping 70% of mobile users search for the ones they want. They access apps listed organically and paid in this manner.
  2. Close to 65% of all downloads occur directly through a search.
  3. In contrast, 30% of app connections (i.e., the remainder) aren’t search-related. We can assume that in most cases, the catalysts are referrals from friends, family, and peers.
  4. The points above make it vividly clear that the chances of emerging as a winning brand are “iffy” without ASO, especially with paid advertising that’s:
    • Harnessed to a limited budget.
    • Based on hit-or-miss thinking.
  5. Further emphasizing organic strategies, the data shows that the higher an app is in the ASO rankings, the more downloads transpire. Why?
    • Because the audience generally scrolls through the top five or so ASO results.
    • They stop short of delving into the thousands below them.
  6. As downloads multiply, acquisition cost per user decreases (i.e., an inverse relationship).

The bottom line is this: Ignoring ASO (and by implication CRO) is risky and severely limiting (promotion-wise) if you intend to sustain competitiveness in an intense, dog-eat-dog market environment. This brings us to the key drivers behind a successful ASO strategy.


Valuable tips you’ll ever find on an App Store ASO Guide


Here are the most valuable tips you’ll ever find on an App Store ASO Guide.

a. ASO is not a static one-off activity…

But rather a refinement process of inducing interested parties to follow through once they click on your app. A vital aspect of paid ads and users coming through the organic channel is getting them to buy – the essence of CRO.

On average, you’ve got 7 seconds to convince someone once they see your app to download it. So, attracting them to the landing page and then knocking their socks off with compelling incentives boils down to a strategy centered on:

  • Representative titles.
  • Vivid descriptions.
  • Pinpoint categorization.
  • Keywords refined down to meaningful details.
  • Supporting content with high-quality visuals (screenshots & videos).

b. Get into the minds of your desired users:

There’s no substitute for market segmentation and behavioral analysis. You have to delve into the customer experience (CX) from all angles, examining every touchpoint in the customer journey (CJ) to identify the potential disruptors that end in disappointment. It penetrates such things as cultural nuances peculiar to your audience, the language they use, their thought processes before diving into a new brand, and their searching habits. We have more to say on this subject below.

c. Keyword selection is crucial on any organic ASO Guide: 

Like SEO, the App Store and Google Play prescribe connecting to the audience’s same written lines when searching for apps. Thus the term “keywords” effectively opens the door for developers to engage with their audience the way the latter wants to buy. Sometimes that’s a hard pill to swallow when a marketing team’s approach to selling varies considerably from their targeted customers. Please note:

  • There are many different searches, registering volumes from high to low. The significance of a high-velocity search is that it signifies intense competition facing you when you use the keywords.
  • So, if everyone centers on the same organic drivers, who wins in the end? Which apps emerge high in the rankings, leaving the majority in the dust? Here are a few clues to clear away the confusion:
    • There may be many apps that sound like they’re in your category on the surface. However, dig down a little deeper, and you’ll discover they differ significantly. Many popular searches pertain to everybody and nobody at the same time. The space is so crowded it’s almost impossible to see who or what fits it best.
    • It hammers home that you want the right audience to pay attention to your offer. Moreover, it implies that the way into the heart of your market rests in searches genuinely specific to your benefits, even though they reflect relatively fewer people searching them vs. other search terms As long as the volume is reasonable, you want to focus on keywords with low competition to have a fighting chance of getting noticed.
    • Therefore, we advise investing time in understanding the ASO dynamics to achieve sustainability and resonate with people likely to download and purchase your app. Tire-kickers are unavoidable, but they are not the fuel line app growth depends on.
    • To zone in on keywords that get traction, locate those that:
      • Are unambiguously descriptive,
      • Highlight your app’s most compelling features.
      • Align with category searchers common language.
      • Aren’t vague about your app’s category.
      • Move away from phrases, favoring words instead.
      • Rank the highest when comparing singular vs. plural.
      • Exclude prepositions (i.e., long noun descriptions in front of it) and conjunctions (e.g., and, but, if).
      • Separate words with commas, not spaces.
      • Deploy digits to express quantity, not words.
  • With Google Play, be sure not to overstuff keywords in your description (5 times max); otherwise, penalties will dissolve your best efforts.
  • For iOS, your keywords mustn’t exceed 100 characters.
  • We recommend you access App Store Optimization tools like Mobile Action, which cuts down the time and effort involved in settling on the keywords that will work wonders for you.
    • Moreover, it harnesses AI and machine learning to strengthen your app’s ranking in innovative ways.
    • Mobile Action shapes its keyword generations without confusion or taking you on a zig-zag from one end of the spectrum to the next.

We’ve got more on keywords lower down, focusing the specifics around your ASO tactics. You should at all times appreciate that the indexing process for Google Play aligns closely with Google Search. In a nutshell, ASO will consider all textual elements. As stated above, repeat keywords 3-5 times across all fields to qualify for a ranking.

The Apple App Store, conversely, doesn’t work that way. It’s easier from many angles by providing a defined keyword field. Other than that, it picks them up from competitors and your category name. So, it’s not necessary, like Google Play, to repeat keywords.

d. A lousy title name can kill the app before it begins:

Fail on this one, and it can contaminate everything else that you do in organically promoting your app. Why? Because it’s the first thing that searchers notice. It bolsters app rankings by up to ten percent with astute keyword inclusion, according to Mobiledevhq.Com. A title that checks all the following boxes puts you ahead of the curve, thus accelerating conversions:

  • Select a unique and distinctive brand name.
  • Stay clear of other brand name confusion.
  • Reflect what the app is and does.
  • Stay within 30 characters for Google Play.
  • Stay within 30 characters for iOS.

e. Apply accuracy vigilance when describing your app:

  • You have a 4000-character limit for this critical content aspect. Users rely on it to locate the app’s primary features and supporting info.
  • Don’t stint on employing a creative expert to write engagingly and comprehensively, thus attracting the right audience.
  • Never lose sight of the fact that your app description significantly influences the App Store ranking algorithms – although more so for Google Play than the App Store. Either way, ensure that your description addresses (preferably in bullet format):
    • Precisely what your app does.
    • The pain points it resolves.
    • How it provides a great user experience.
    • Why it’s value for money.

f. Prioritize reviews and ratings:

The biggest driver of CRO success is feedback via reviews and account comments.

  • Google Play and the App Store forward-push the app’s status and parallel ranking the algorithms afford you as your rating goes up. Ignoring this integral ASO aspect will pull you back two steps for every one you take forward.
  • It’s worth taking note of the fact that (a) review quality and (b) the number of reviews feature heavily in the algorithmic formula based on the fact that:

g. Your App Icon – a vital visual transmitter:

Select one that stands out and is memorable. Color, design, font, and symmetry convey an image users associate with your benefits. In a world where signage is everywhere, coming up with a mind-blowing icon is a massive challenge not to be taken lightly. Most important, in your final selection, ensure it’s not another’s twin or even a near-similarity. You want brand recognition to push your app to the top of the tree. Your icon, at the end of the day, may indeed be the visual asset that sews up the entire promotional package for you. To avoid rejection, go into the icon design process knowing that Google and Apple won’t accept non-compliance. Here are the parameters:


App stores



  • The minimum icon resolution is 1024 X 1024 pixels.
  • You can scale icons down dependent on how you intend to use them:
    • App icons – down to 180 X 180
    • Navigation icons -down to 66X66
    • Tab bar icons – down to 75 X 75.
    • Check for resolution once scaled down.


  • The minimum icon resolution – 512 X 512 pixels.
  • From there, follow their set guidelines.

h. Settle for only the highest-quality screenshots: 

When prospects land on your app page organically or via a paid click-through, the last thing you want is a bounce right off it. Amateurish screenshots will do that to you, and a valuable contact is lost forever.  Here are some pointers on ASO screenshots best practices

  • The screenshots function as your spokesman and demonstrator, thus moving the visitor to try the app out and download.
  • They’re highly visual promotional tools, impacting decisions by making a penetrating first impression.
  • Some say it’s the single most influential tool in one’s armory that seals the deal. While screenshots (and videos) don’t directly impact ASO ranking, they are power CRO drivers – an integral aspect of ASO. Therefore, treat the development of screenshots with respect and patience.
  • You can upload up to 8 screenshots on Google Play and ten on  Apple’s App Store.
  • We recommend Figma and AppLaunchpad as practical tools to build strong screenshot visuals.
  • Here are the screenshot aspects you should pay attention to:
    • Layout and size.
    • Catchy captions easy to see.
    • Demonstrating meaningful differences with impact.
    • If combined with other screenshots, integrating them effectively.
    • Connecting them to brand visualization as a priority.

i. Add a preview video:

Some reputable digital designers assert that close to 85% of internet shoppers in the US prefer to shop via the internet, viewing fifteen- to thirty-second videos online. Moreover, it embraces mobile users more than 50% of the time. So, there’s no doubt app developers do themselves an excellent service with an engaging video on the landing page. Yet again, it’s front and center of CRO (inextricably tied to ASO), thus significantly boosting conversions (and therefore ratings).

Note: The last thing you need if you’ve paid hard money for people to land on your app page is for them to leave it without downloading. CRO embraces both organic and paid-for click-throughs, thus making specific disciplines crucial to both, namely – all the points above relating to:

  • Icons.
  • Screenshots.
  • Videos.
  • Reviews and ratings.


Reviews and ratings


A constructive strategy for improving your app’s ratings

Anyone who tells you they can figure out the App Store and Google Play algorithms isn’t on point. Truthfully, nobody can give you guarantees because – like the Coca-Cola formula, it’s a tightly-held company secret. Moreover, some of what applies today might disappear tomorrow. It’s an ever-moving scenario. However, embedded rules and guidelines have stood the test of time.

Both deploy highly sophisticated configurations to sort through everything and come out with an ASO organic ranking. We have deduced the factors (ingredients) in the recipe, although we don’t know the relative weightings. It seems that the (d) – (f) in the common group below are heavy contributors. Here they are:

Items common to Google and Apple:

  1. App Name/Title
  2. In-App Purchase
  3. Some Hidden factors
  4. Rating and Reviews
  5. Updates
  6. Downloads and Engagement

Apple App Store Ranking items:

  1. App URL
  2. App Subtitle
  3. Keyword field
  4. In-App Purchase

Google Play Store Ranking Factors:

  1. Short Description
  2. Long Description

Aside from the above, this section is a much deeper dive than the tips above. We cover more detailed actions you can take to improve your organic strategies and paid advertising. It answers almost everything posed by the question, “ How does app store optimization work?”

1. Get the category right.

As a starting point, both Google and Apple take around three days to approve your app and confirm it meets their standards. Category selection is much like boarding a train at a multi-platform station. Logically, we pick the transport that will get us to our destination faster and most comfortably. But, of course, you have to know where you’re going, or it could result in wasted time, unnecessary delays, and frustration. So, the same applies to choosing your category. Ensure you select the one that:

  • Describes your app best and therefore most likely to meet your goals
  • Represents the least competition, with a minimum amount of jostle, thus creating the best chances for a smooth ride.

2. Activate strategies that tie in closely with better reviews and ratings: 

Responding to reviews instantly indicates that you care about user feedback and take user feature requests seriously. Also, it will pay dividends because 80% of mobile users download after reading at least one app review. In this regard, Mobile Action seamlessly allows you to analyze and manage Google Play and App Store reviews.

Frequent updates and external paid promotions that overlap or reinforce the ASO messaging will likely initiate App Store ranking gains. Conversely, infrequent app updates will drag ratings down considerably. So will introducing apps followed by UX complaints – unless you remedy them fast. “Tech stagnant” in the app world isn’t a label any go-ahead Saas developer wants to inherit ever. If not a death blow to promising potential, it can weigh things down almost to a standstill. Worse still, Apple may reject or cancel the app if it’s detrimental to the App Store image.

The reality is that both Google and Apple, leading the app initiative, are becoming more selective every month. It’s conceivable that a point not too far in the future will mark the end of inferior quality apps finding a viable platform to promote their features. It’s a theme that should motivate developers to close all the gaps before launch and regularly update to eject the bugs. It solicits positive recognition from the powers that can make a difference and uplifts the brand standings in the eyes of potential users.

3. Keyword selection and marketing segmentation.

a. Maximize your keyword utilization in every way you can. For instance, developers often don’t see that Google and Apple automatically provide free keywords (e.g., category name). Use this extra space to slot in other targeted keywords. Every inch you can grab hold of counts.

b. It’s vital to appreciate that although macro markets look enticing, it’s worth narrowing things down to a relatively smaller but pertinent market segment disposed to your app.
For example: Let’s say your app offers business people a way to relieve bottlenecks in complex projects where numerous processes are streaming simultaneously. In theory, every business worldwide can see a need for this. However, segmentation tells you that your particular product is not a universal offering and logistically doesn’t apply to every industry. Indeed, it fits construction entities best. Also, countries outside America are out because US state compliance figures into the software. Moreover, not every type of building development aligns with your app (e.g., heavy factory construction isn’t a target).
It functions excellently in multi-family developments, state by state (again, not every state), where a general contractor is in charge. The latter love your configuration because it makes life very easy. Therefore, instead of aiming for businesses everywhere in the world (a multi-billion dollar market vision), you set your sights on:

  • The USA only.
  • Selected regions where you have the compliance worked out.
  • Multi-family construction developments with general contractor oversight.

So what does the App Store optimization example above imply for keyword selection? On analysis, you may discover that “project process optimization” is a popular keyword term with massive monthly search volume and high competition. In other words, everyone and their uncle are piling into that keyword phrase to grab a piece of the big pie.

Digging deeper, you unearth other searches with significantly less volume and, in many cases, low competition (i.e., not many competitors are using a specific search term). Searches like:

  • “apartment building process management North Carolina”
  • Or “best apps for MF building mgt Arizona.”
  • Or “general contractor management tools NY.”

Segmentation logic and keyword logic go hand in hand. If you decide to go against a tsunami of competitors by selecting “project process optimization” as your keyword focus, the chances of attaining a ranking are next to zero. It’s akin to winning the lottery, and unlikely the algorithms will notice you. However, the odds favor you for better traction and audience attention by:

  • Moving into far less competitive territory.
  • Inserting the mid- and long-tail keywords that connect to smaller segments (e.g., “general contractor management tools NY”).

Ranking therefore improves. Using our station analogy above, you stepped on the right train, and it’s now going in the right direction at a comfortable speed. Also, it’s uncrowded – you have a compartment all to yourself.

A final word on keywords/paid ad campaigns and segmentation: Developers entering markets erroneously believe they must attack the arenas showing billions of dollars. They say, “Surely I can pick up a few crumbs?” The problem with that thinking is it lacks guidelines. It fails to provide direction. Segmentation, conversely, gets the appropriate juices flowing.

The truth is that if a group or even a single target has enough buying power, it’s a viable segment. So, for example, instead of aiming at enterprise computer companies (i.e., thousands of them), you decide to aim only at Microsoft (MSFT) – one customer. Nobody can argue that MSFT isn’t a segment in its own right, worth the effort. It’s much easier to carve out a plan for a dedicated target than every entity in the category. So, don’t be afraid to go for a sizable chunk of the business in smaller segments, rather than hoping to get a bite here and there of one gigantic market. Your keyword and paid ad strategies will be on point, your ranking encouraging, and you’ll save yourself considerable aggravation and waste of resources.

4. Reconfigure your visual content

We are fine-tuning here to get better reviews and, as a result, bolster your ratings for CRO after organic and paid advertising:

a. The shortest route to better ratings is securing positive customer reviews. We’ve repeated it many times, but there’s no overemphasizing that downloads and effective feedback will drive the right kind of attention your way.

b. A primary inlet to (a) above is visual content. It can impressively jump out at the audience if you do all the right things. Here’s what we suggest:

  • Clean up the icon by removing text, making it clean-cut and appealing to the eye.
  • A/B test it on customers and peers before deciding on a final one.
  • Position your CTAs with thought and make them highly visible.
  • We can’t overstate the case for videos and screenshots presented under “tips” above. Customers respond to participation in the demonstration of your app’s features. There’s no better way to involve them than these two visual tools. They beat animations hands down:
    • Horizontal screenshots best suit App Store search results, whereas verticals create better attention on product pages.
    • Treat split mode screenshots circumspectly – they can be tricky and counterproductive unless you’re careful.
    • Watch out for font size that sometimes hinders screenshot readability.
    • The video’s opening seconds are vital for your optimization and conversion. Why? Reliable sources believe:
      • Only 20% of users watch videos longer than 7 seconds.
      • About 50% of users download on a first impression.
      • As a result, you need to pay close attention to designing visuals.
    • Did you know that many viewers watch videos within muted audio? So, insert text overlays as the video plays to keep the messaging alive.
    • App screenshots and videos provide an ideal channel to demonstrate your app or mobile game functionality. Don’t hesitate to use them to show off the best parts of your app.
  • When you have events, seasonal offers, and holidays pertinent to your app, introduce graphics to mark the occasions.

In summary: Ensure that your screenshots and videos depict your app up, down, and sideways. It implies that highlighting features is a must in a visual participative manner. Layout, clarity, and size are crucial considerations. Your CRO depends on all this.

5. Practical ways to encourage positive reviews

Even when the UX is fantastic, customers sometimes stay quiet. No news is good news, right? Wrong! You need your customers to say they love the experience, loud and clear. You should evoke a good response by prompting a review as long as they’re happy. So, encourage them to speak up. Here are some sound guidelines to follow:

  • Give the user time and space to use the app. Don’t prompt after one or two times.
  • Send out push or in-app pop-up notifications.
  • Don’t incur a penalty for pestering the users. The app Store monitors this activity and only allows a max of three annual notifications.

6. Go international if you want increased visibility, more reviews, and increased revenue.

It’s called localizing ASO. It’s a tricky process of translating your existing metadata, keywords, or screenshots in the local language of another country to expand your user base. Not only does it improve app visibility, but it also increases downloads and revenues considerably. Shyftup deals with this subject in one of its articles, warning that the only downside is a slowing down in updates. Developers pursuing localization and implementing it well generally accelerate their ASO goals as ratings move faster.

7. Look at requirements for featuring on the App Store.

Strive to become App Store Featured, which automatically jet-propels you ahead of the pack. Now, this is a highly competitive arena in its own right, with every developer vested in their brand fighting tooth and nail to scale those lofty heights. includes an in-depth article on this aspect that’s a must-read.

Now, for sure, although ASO and featuring as an iOS app are different goals, there’s tremendous overlap. For Apple to feature your app, it prescribes adhering to lofty standards, responding to your users, leveraging reviews, nurturing your ratings, professional content management, and more. If you acted like you were going for nothing else but App Store feature status, your ASO would significantly improve. For example, Apple requires:

  • Regular updates.
  • Running A/B tests routinely.
  • Simplifying your user face for agility and speed.
  • Optimizing loading times.
  • Delivering an all-device app.

The only thing you would have to add to feature-centric moves is the keyword strategy, and optimization on a mobile device would be firing on all cylinders.

8. Deploy App Store analytics.

After all the hard work involved in developing a cutting-edge app and formulating an end-to-end ASO strategy (including CRO), your business is in motion. Things are happening one of three ways – better, according to, or below expectations. But how do you know which side of the divide you lie? With App Store analytics, that’s how. The latter can light the way forward by monitoring conversions. It will quickly point out weaknesses in the organic and paid ad funnels. These include impressions, page views, installs, CTRs, and more. Your team can adjust organic/paid advertising tactics agilely and flexibly with regular data reviews. The net result is more conversions, accelerated reviews, improved ratings, and a satisfactory CRO.

Conclusion to App Store ASO Guide 2021

We’ve come to the end of our ASO guide and conclusively answered, “How is ASO implemented?” As you can see, powerful ASO management is fundamental to your app’s success and CRO. It’s not a path without obstruction, but professionals like can smooth things out for your team. Everything above points to implementing an analysis program, thus ensuring your app achieves maximum visibility in the two primary app stores when facing intense competition.

In addition, a big takeaway is that ASO requires perseverance, patience, and most of all, practice. The AI and ML tools at your fingertips make the learning curve engaging and as painless as possible. The Shyftup team can assist you in navigating these if or when you hit a roadblock.

Publishing and distributing the app involves many updates, review responses, and monitoring progress. It converges on understanding the navigation processes intimately and getting the most out of your support tools. Having a professional consultant in your corner will make it seem simple by preparing correctly from the start and keeping your publishing clicks to a minimum.

Finally, the thought that motivates everything – “Show me the money.”  Yes, monetization is the ultimate goal. However, there are so many ways that it requires another article to cover them. For example:

  • Resorting to effective ads and paid user acquisition channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any search engine like Google.
  • Alternatively, require users to pay for app installs and levy charges for special features and upgrades (i.e., counting as in-app purchases).

Mobile Action has a proven record of saving you money on advertisements by maximizing your organic-centric downloads. Speak to the Shyftup team for more insights and go from strength to strength. Let them help you link up the vital touchpoints to deliver a compelling customer experience.

What is ASO and the motivation behind an App Store Optimization Guide?

ASO revolves around the strategy and tactics a business needs to improve its app visibility within two relevant app stores, Google Play and Apple’s App Store. The ultimate objective is for the audience to download the app at an increasing rate – thus converting prospects into users.

Is there a difference between ASO and SEO?

ASO is often thought of as the App Store SEO. SEO and ASO focus on different platforms. Our focus for ASO is the App Store and Google Play Store. ASO encompasses optimizing keywords in app stores.

What are the best techniques for ASO?

Convince users with your appealing title, vivid description, right on point categorization, strong keywords. Identify your users. Market segmentation is very important for ASO. Make the keyword selection carefully. Check for high-volume keywords, check your competitors’ keywords. Use A/B testing to understand which keywords are working better for you.

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